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CUC 2023: Era digitalne zrelosti

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Supporting Educational Technology and Creativity

The presentation will focus on how the Reykjavik city Center for Creativity and Educational Technology has been at the forefront of supporting educational technology and creativity since its establishment in 2017. The representatives will discuss the innovative ways in which the Center has been utilizing educational technology, creativity, and design thinking to enhance the learning experiences of students in Reykjavik. They will also discuss the importance of providing opportunities for students to develop future skills, such as problem-solving and critical thinking, through hands-on learning in a makerspace. Additionally, the Center's approach to professional development for educators will be highlighted, including how they support teachers in integrating educational technology and creativity into their classrooms. The presentation will showcase several examples of school innovation that has been allowed to grow and reach maturity, thus providing participants with a comprehensive understanding of the Center's work. Through this presentation, participants will gain an understanding of the innovative ways in which educational technology and creativity can be integrated into the classroom, and how hands-on learning in a makerspace can help students develop future skills. Additionally, participants will learn about the Center's approach to professional development for educators and how it supports teachers in integrating educational technology and creativity into their classrooms.

Hjörtur Ágústsson
City of Reykjavik – Department of Education and Youth

Hjörtur has been working in the field of interntional cooperation in youth work and eudcation for 15 years. During that time he has managed several national and international project supporting the develeopment of educational technology in pre-schools and primary schools in Reykjavik, Iceland. Hörtur has been leading the team from the City of Reykjavik in the ATTEND project supporting CTE’s in Croatia in the use of assistive technology.

Potrebno predznanje: No prior knowledge required.


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